Collection services
Viewing the collections
If you wish to view the collections, we recommend arranging your visit beforehand. There may be limitations on the use of research materials due to, for example, their condition, for which reason some time must be allowed for preparing them for viewing.
Specialist and information services
Short information service questions not requiring extensive research will be answered free-of-charge. You can also send questions to us via the Ask the Museum online service.
Borrowing museum materials
If possible, we can lend objects from our collection to other professionally managed museums. The borrower will be responsible for the collection and return costs and for insuring the item.
The library also lends its published materials as remote loans (see the service description [link]).
Contact information
Maria Pietilä / +358 50 546 0124 /
– collections of artefacts and photographs, contemporary collecting, archives
Sanna Oikarinen / +358 50 430 0273 /
– stamp collections, philately, postcards, stamper collection
Reetta Uusikulku/ +358 50 313 4568 /
– library, magazines
Mikko Aho/ +358 50 325 1569 /
– Objects and Photos
Price list (including VAT at 25,5 %)
Research and information service
- Brief information retrieval and getting documents from our own collections,
printing out max. 10 PDF pages or photocopies and delivering them €20 - Specialist/research service €50/hour
- Photocopy, paper printout, PDF page €1
- Remote loans of books and magazines €10 + postage
- Exceeding the loan period €1/week/book
- Damaging or losing a book/magazine: replacement costs
Image services
Digital image
- € 20
- The maximum size of a reflection original for scanning is A3.
Usage fee per image
Non-profit cultural organisations, museums and cultural institutions, educational institutions, associations, clubs and private individuals:
- Non-commercial use, e.g. publications €15
- Commercial use, e.g. postcards €30
Other uses:
- Books, magazines and newspapers €65
- Shop windows, exhibitions, fairs €65
- Websites, multimedia €65
- Film, video, television programme €100
- Calendars, posters, stamps and postcards €100
- Advertisements, brochures, cover images €210
- Other uses agreed on a case-by-case basis
Reuse of the same image: 50% of the original fee.
The client has the right to use the images once. The right cannot be sold or transferred. The Postal Museum and the name of the photographer must be mentioned with a published image. The client is responsible for ensuring the protection of copyright and privacy. An image cannot be edited or cropped without specific permission.
Clients are asked to provide the Postal Museum library with a copy of a publication or thesis that has been prepared using material from the Postal Museum collections and that is relevant to the Museum’s field of research.
Orders are delivered in a week; a rush service is available at a 50% surcharge.
Photo shoots
Photo shoots carried out by other parties on the Museum premises €60 per hour or part thereof
Work by assisting staff €40 per hour or part thereof
Artefact loans
For museums (max. 1 year) €80
The borrower will be responsible for the collection and return costs and for insuring the item at the value specified.